Leeuwin Coast 在西澳大利亚州奥尔巴尼的水产养殖场种植美味且可持续种植的贝类。
Leeuwin Coast致力于提供可持续贝类水产养殖的最佳实践。将这种关注保持在商业规模上可以保护我们经营的海洋环境,同时还可以生产最优质的海鲜。
Albany Rock Oysters 品尝着温和的海水喷雾盐水,带有青草味,明亮而均衡,带有淡淡的西瓜皮和黄瓜味,是完美的夏日牡蛎。
我们的 Akoya
Akoya 生长在奥尔巴尼沿海的南大洋,那里清澈的咸水营造出与众不同的干净、清脆的口感。
This was in recognition of the work we have undertaken in our seafood packaging to improve sustainability and functionality. The Industry Sector Reporting Awards recognise the organisations that have met their obligations under the National Environment Protection (Used Packaging Materials) Measure (NEPM) and have provided exemplary evidence and reporting against these obligations in the last reporting period.
The winners have continually assessed their packaging against APCO’s Sustainable Packaging Guidelines (SPGs), ensuring that their packaging has been designed to optimise outcomes for packaging functionality and sustainability, and to help collectively deliver on Australia’s 2025 National Packaging Targets.